Dear friends,
Greetings in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As we enter the holiday season, we want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a happy and Healthy New Years!
In a year where words like unprecedented, challenging, kidnappings, insecurity, persecution, earthquake and health pandemic have become the new normal, there are others that haven’t lost their relevance at all - words like empowering, dedication, faith, inspirational, trusted, factual and accurate…. It’s the latter words that’s describe the vital ministries of Bethesda Evangelical Mission.
“In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”(Rom 8:37)
In spite of the horrible challenges, somehow the Lord protected and made provision for His people:
In Chantal and Ducis, the neighborhood children in our home are healthy, growing and going to school. The older children in our step program are learning how to give back by serving others through cleaning neighborhoods around Les Cayes.

Thanks to the many generous contributions, a new roof is being worked on for the church of Camp Gerard. Additionally, structural repairs are under way for seven churches damaged by the earthquake. Your help would be much appreciated as the need is great. It was a joy to see souls being saved and baptized even in the midst of such terrible times.

Following the deadly earthquake, we called upon you and you answered with a loud voice, and together we fed more than 1200 families and comforted and encouraged many others.

Provisions were also made for the babies as my wife and I delivered much needed formula at the general hospital. The needs are so great, but thankfully due to your help, we were able to provide some additional funds for future formula to be purchase when needed.

In 2021, even though we didn’t have the chance to bring a medical team, we believed God was about to do greater things in Haiti. In preparation for the upcoming harvest, we stepped out in faith hiring a medical director, Dr. Joel Daudin, a marvelous Haitian physician who has a heart filled with love and compassion to help people. Part of his task is to hire other local Haitian medical professionals to help assist the people, and our task will be supporting those local professionals as they help those in dire need. Please keep them in your prayers.

Last but not least, thanks to your efforts in giving, our hospital project is advancing, faster than any other year. The roof is now complete and we have a stairway leading to the 2nd floor. We will soon start working on smoothing the walls, electricity, a well for clean water, plumbing and much needed equipment. I can hardly wait to see the progress this Christmas.

As this year comes to an end, would you please consider giving to BEM? Your tax deductible donation will be a tremendous blessing to the people of Haiti as they are facing daily struggles.
Pastor Jean and I are so grateful for your partnership.
Gratefully yours,
Pastor Jean Lubin Beaucejour
BEM USA Director
“The tasks ahead of us are NEVER as great as the POWER behind us.”