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     I recently returned from a week long Mission Trip to Les Cayes Haiti. I have been on Mission trips  over the  years, here in the United State and in foreign countries.  This is by far the most enjoyable and fruitful of them all.  

      Found in the Scriptures, Jesus said: “Without my you can do nothing.” I experienced praying with the other team members that God would open the doors to minister in the prison that we about to visit. After hearing the Gospel, many of the prisoners gave their life to Jesus by receiving Him into their lives as Savior and Lord.  What an answer to prayer!!  

      While visiting the orphanage, I found myself in the midst of a group of children where I began taking pictures of them and showing them the pictures I had taken.  Since I didn’t speak their language, I was able to give attention to those who were surrounding me.  

      Visiting the Children’s ICU was  a bit taxing on my emotions. Seeing 4 children who were abandoned was also disturbing. I regret not asking if I could lift them out of the metal cribs and hold them. It is important that we humans experience being held by another human being in our early childhood development.  

      Sharing the Gospel and food during the door to door evangelism in a small village was meaningful for me. We not only supplied physical food, to those in need, but also shared the Gospel, which for those who received Christ into their lives, were nourished spiritually.
     God once again, as He has been repeatedly doing in my life over recent years, is reminding me that materialism and experiences apart from His will are empty.  Sharing nourishment for the physical needs of those in need, and sharing the Gospel with those in need of spiritual nourishment, is most rewarding.
     A quote I remember from years ago:
              Some people love people and use things  (Rewarding)
              Other people love things and use people  (Empty)


~ Wayne

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Bethesda Evangelical Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax ID# 31-1717364). All donations are tax deductible.

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